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Cold Aqueous Planetary Geochemistry with FREZCHEM (豆瓣)
来自 : 豆瓣读书 发布时间:2021-03-25

This book explicitly investigates issues of astrobiological relevance in the context of cold aqueous planetary geochemistry. At the core of the technical chapters is the FREZCHEM model, initially developed over many years by one of the authors to quantify aqueous electrolyte properties and chemical thermodynamics at subzero temperatures. FREZCHEM, of general relevance to biogeochemists and geochemical modelers, cold planetary scientists, physicochemists and chemical engineers, is subsequently applied to the exploration of biogeochemical applications to solar systems bodies in general, and to speculations about the limits for life in cold environments in particular.

At the core of the technical chapters is the FREZCHEM model, initially developed over many years by one of the authors to quantify aqueous electrolyte ...Cold Aqueous Planetary Geochemistry with FREZCHEM,Giles M. Marion,Jeffrey S. Kargel,Springer,2008-2-6,简介,作者,书评,论坛,推荐,二手图书Cold Aqueous Planetary Geochemistry with FREZCHEM 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐Cold Aqueous Planetary Geochemistry with FREZCHEM (豆瓣)

本文链接: http://chemez.immuno-online.com/view-760633.html

发布于 : 2021-03-25 阅读(0)